Transit is the answer to many of the region’s challenges but is threatened by lack of sufficient operating and capital funding after years of disinvestment and a global pandemic. Our region’s current transit funding structure is also overly reliant on fares. Together this leaves our transit agencies to face an existential crisis that neither fare hikes nor service cuts can solve while preserving a useful and equitable system.
We need your help to win sustainable funding for transit and build a better system for everyone who relies on it.

Next Coalition Meeting
February 11, 2025 (Virtual) at 9:30 a.m.
In January, Regional Transportation Authority Chairman Kirk Dillard will share the agency’s vision for a fully funded, seamless, and more accountable regional transit system that serves all riders with more frequent and reliable service.
The February coalition meeting provides the public with the opportunity to provide input and feedback on this updated vision to RTA staff as legislative outreach and advocacy continues during the 2025 legislative session in Springfield. Staff will host a discussion and invite participants to both ask questions and provide feedback on potential funding and reform legislation and strategy.
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Join Our Coalition
If you or your organization would like to sign on to be part of the Transit is the Answer Coalition to support and advocate for transit's future in northeast Illinois, please fill out this form.
Coalition Members
Access Living
Active Transportation Alliance
Alliance of the Southeast
American Lung Association
Association House Barrington Area Council of Governments
Better Streets Chicago
Chicagoland Chamber
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning
Center for Neighborhood Technology
Commuters Take Action
Cook County Staff
Crossroads Collaborative
DuPage Mayors and Managers
Elevated Chicago
Environmental Law & Policy Center
Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Chicago
Hoffman Estates
Illinois Department of Transportation
Illinois Environmental Council
Kane County Staff
Kane/Kendall Council of Mayors
McHenry County Council of Mayors
McHenry County Staff
Metropolitan Mayors Caucus
Village of Mundelein
City of Naperville
Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission
North Lawndale Community Coordinating Council
Northwest Municipal Conference
Roseland Chamber of Commerce
Shared Use Mobility Center
South Suburban Mayors and Managers
Southwest Conference of Mayors
University of Illinois—Chicago
U.S. Department of Transportation
Coalition Meetings
Transit is the Answer's Agenda for Advocacy and Action lays out a path to position the system for long-term success by seeking new funding, making improvements for riders, and supporting communities working to increase transit access.
We recognize we can’t do this alone. Many of the advocacy and action items in this plan are not under the control of RTA, CTA, Metra, and Pace. Leadership from a diverse group of elected officials and community leaders is needed to achieve meaningful change.
Watch the first and second Transit is the Answer Coalition meetings on our YouTube Channel.
More than 100 riders, elected officials, advocates, and other stakeholders met virtually with the RTA on May 9, and again on August 8, 2023 for the first and second quarterly Transit is the Answer Coalition meeting, receiving an update on strategic plan implementation and then taking a deep dive into an implementation project currently underway.
Read more in a recap of the first and second coalition meetings on the RTA Connections blog.